
Counselors are determined by the student's advisement class (also called TA); all students in a TA have the same counselor. Click here to see who your counselor is based on your advisement teacher.

Our mission is to provide a comprehensive, coordinated counseling program addressing the academic, college/career, and social/emotional development of all students. We advocate for all students and believe that every student can achieve their maximum potential.

  • Academic Planning - Counselors meet with students as needed throughout their four years at NHS. All students will have a one-on-one high school planning conference in both sophomore and senior year, along with classroom presentations and workshops in freshman and junior year.
  • College / Career - Our department hosts college/career-centered workshops and events throughout the year. Information can be found on the student's "Class of" Canvas page under Announcements.
  • Social / Emotional and Mental Health - Resources, referrals, and counseling staff support are readily available upon request by either the student or family. Our department has developed Canvas announcements, workshops, wellness events, advisement activities, and school-wide events that support student mental health, balance, and overall well-being.

The College & Career Specialist oversees our comprehensive College & Career Center and provides guidance and information regarding college planning and selection, scholarships, financial aid, and extracurricular opportunities. She also issues work permits, and is available for parent and student meetings.

Regarding Confidentiality - Students can expect that counselor meetings will be confidential unless there is a concern for the student's or another person's safety. More information regarding the expectation and limits of confidentiality can be found on the American School Counselor Association website. Confidential student contact is not shared with colleges or other entities unless requested by the student.

Students can meet with their counselor on a drop-in basis before/after school and during break, lunch, or tutorial. Students can request an appointment via email or by submitting the Request to See Counselor form.

Parents may request an appointment to meet with their student's counselor via email (preferred) or phone. Student are usually present at meetings with parents; however, we understand there may be instances in which parents may want to meet with the counselor privately.

The counseling department communicates news and upcoming events in a variety of ways:

  • Email - NHS communicates with both parents and students via email weekly. Check the email address that you have on file in Aeries/Parent Portal if you aren't receiving NHS emails.
  • Canvas - Each student has been invited to a Canvas course specific to their graduating class - they just need to accept the invitation. Parents are encouraged to create an observer accountAnnouncements and updates are posted regularly.
  • NHS College & Career Center (CCC) Newsletter - emailed to families weekly and posted on the CCC web page. 
  • Instagram - Be sure to follow our counseling Instagram!
  • NHS Weekly Bulletin - Advisors review the school news, activities, and events during their Advisement period. Students and parents should also receive the Weekly Bulletin through email. The bulletin can also find it on the main page of our website.
NHS Counselors

Counseling Staff


Mental Health & Wellness

Resources to Support Your Student's Mental Well-Being
Apple on Books


NHS Course of Study, Graduation Requirements, College Eligibility Requirements
School Hall

College & Career Center

College Building

College Information & Exploration

Career Exploration Button

Career Exploration

transcript pic


Instructions for obtaining your NHS transcript
California Colleges Logo

College & Career Planning Platform

Financial Aid & Scholarships

baristas behind the counter

Work Permits

Click here for more information!
Photo of College Lecture Hall

IVC Dual Enrollment Opportunities

Students have the opportunity to enroll in community college courses while they are still in high