Below you will find different support opportunities offered before, during, and after school. If your child continues to struggle, please reach out to their counselor.
Students are highly encouraged to seek help from their teachers before/after school and/or during Tutorial. To ensure that they are available to work with you, please make arrangements ahead of time with your teacher(s) so they are ready for you! Email is the best and preferred way to contact teachers if you have concerns about your [child's] performance.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, teachers are available from 10:05 - 10:40 AM to work with students. Students may also choose to use this time to work independently or in groups.
Mandatorial: Students who earn 2+ Fs are enrolled in a mandatory Tutorial class monitored by NHS staff. Counselors monitor progress and students whose grades improve to Cs or better at the next grading period can earn their way out!
Paper: You can also get online help 24 hours a day, seven days a week with Paper Tutoring! They offer interpretation/translation for Spanish, French, and Mandarin, too. For more information, click here.
Peer Tutoring: Tutoring is available before school in the Tutor Center (Library) from 7:30 - 8:25 AM Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. For questions, please contact Dr. Phil Roh ( or Ms. Bailey Phenicie, counselor (