Timberwolf Code of Conduct

Northwood High School students are expected to follow the Code of Conduct at all times in order to best represent themselves, their families, their community, and their school. Students will demonstrate the NHS Core Values of Integrity, Mutual Respect, and Compassion. Institutions of higher learning, scholarships, and internship programs in and outside of IUSD are interested in the academic achievement, extracurricular accomplishments, and personal qualities of their applicants. Any violation of the Code of Conduct may be shared with these groups via the Secondary School Report.  

All students sign the Timberwolf Code of Conduct as part of the re-enrollment process each year. 



Northwood High School students attend all classes every day. Regular attendance supports academic and social/emotional growth. Expected attendance expectations are outlined below. 

  1. Students will be on time for all classes or provide a pass on arrival. Consequences for tardies are outlined in the teachers’ course expectations. Excessive tardies may result in referral to the Assistant Principal. 
  2. Students will attend all classes. All absences must be verified within three days of the absence. One period of detention will be assigned for each period of truancy or an unverified absence. Workshops will be assigned after the third detention in a semester or at the administrator’s discretion. Additional truancies/unverified absences will result in a referral to the SARB.
  3. Students will serve detentions.  Unserved detentions will prohibit students from participating in school activities and may result in referral to an assistant principal. 
  4. Students will remain on campus during the school day unless they have an off campus lunch pass or early dismissal approved through the attendance office.  Students will not enter adjacent avocado groves. Failure to attend class will result in the student being marked as a Cut and will result in a detention. 
  5. Parking lots are off limits during class time and tutorial. Consequences include attendance being marked as a Cut, detentions, and parent notification.
  6. Only parents/legal guardians may write notes or phone in absences. Consequences for forged notes or fraudulent phone calls will include detentions, reflection assignments, and parent notification. 



Northwood High School students demonstrate honesty, integrity and the ability to produce their own work.  Sharing work with other students for submittal can be considered a violation of the academic honesty policy.  Faculty encourages and expects students to submit original work that reflects their individual effort and ability. Behavior that can be defined as a violation of the academic honesty policy represents a violation of NHS Core Values. Examples of violating the academic honesty policy include, but are not limited to: 

  1. Unauthorized Access - Any use of external assistance relating to an examination, test, or quiz without expressed permission of the teacher. This includes looking at another student's paper, sharing answers, possession of materials, copying another student's paper, using notes, documents, providing or having access to information such as formulas or calculations, receiving or providing answers during and/ or prior to a test. 
  2. Fabrication - Any intentional falsification or invention of data, citation, or other authority in an academic exercise.
  3. Unauthorized Collaboration - Collaboration on an assignment or assessment between a student and another person, if such collaboration is not expressly directed or permitted by the teacher. This includes copying another student's work, allowing work to be copied or completing assignments for others, giving or "passing" any assignments/assessments to other students for the following year, or receiving any assignments/assessments from other students.
  4. Plagiarism - Any representation of another's ideas, words, or work as one's own, including AI generated work. Plagiarism includes the misuse of published material, electronic material, and/or the work of other students. The original writer who intentionally shares his/her paper or assignment for another to copy, without the permission of the teacher, has also engaged in plagiarism.
  5. Alteration of Materials - Any intentional and unauthorized alteration of student, teacher, or library instructional or assessment materials. This may include changing answers after the fact.
  6. Theft - Any unauthorized taking, concealment, or alteration of student or teacher instructional or assessment materials or equipment, including, but not limited to, the district data network, internet, and other online resources.
  7. Transfer or Use of Unauthorized Materials - Unauthorized use of electronic devices, including phones and computers, during tests.
  8. Artificial Intelligence - The use of any Artificial Intelligence tool or uncited outside resource to complete work without the explicit instruction of your teacher may result in an academic honesty violation. See course syllabi for specific acceptable use policies.
  9. Digital Citizenship Violations - Per Board Policy: 6163.4 Technology Resources Acceptable Use Policy, students should refrain from using technological resources for violations that involve academic dishonesty. These include using technology to copy, plagiarize, collaborate inappropriately, sending or receiving test questions, accessing another's account, or hacking into computer systems.

Consequences for violating the academic honesty policy include, but are not limited to, a reflective assignment, meeting with an assistant principal, and potential communication with colleges. See course syllabi for specific remediation opportunities. If a student engages in egregious Academic Honesty Violations, other consequences will be considered by the Northwood High School Administration. Please click here to view the full Academic Honesty Policy. 



Northwood High School students act with integrity, compassion, and mutual respect so that the school community is safe and welcoming for all.  Expected behaviors are outlined below. 

  1. Students will follow directions of teachers, campus and adult supervisors, and administration. Consequences include a student conference, a phone call home, and potential referral to an assistant principal. 
  2. Students will use tutorial time for meeting with teachers, working on class assignments, working on homework, working on group projects or reading. Students are expected to stay in designated tutorial areas. The consequence for not using tutorial time appropriately is a warning. Consequences for repeated offenses include detention, parking privileges being  revoked, and referral to an assistant principal. 
  3. The Education and Administrative Codes of the State of California and the policy of the Board of Education of the Irvine Unified School District permits pupils the right to exercise free expression, except that expression shall be prohibited which is obscene, libelous or slanderous. Also prohibited shall be expressions which so incites students as to create a danger of the commission of unlawful acts, or the violation of school regulations, or the disruption of the orderly operation of the school.  
  4. Students will not use language that may be considered derogatory, discriminatory, or demeaning. This includes, but is not limited to, race, sexual orientation, religion, and gender identity.
  5. All students of the Irvine Unified School District shall attend school and school activities dressed in a manner that is conducive to and promotes a positive learning environment. Appropriate school dress and personal appearance are clean, are not hazardous to student safety, and do not disrupt instruction. To create a safe and appropriate learning environment, students shall not wear any clothing, attire or accessory that by its manner of appearance, arrangement, trademark, fit or any other attribute, is unsafe, disruptive, unhealthful, obscene, profane, ethnically, racially or sexually degrading, libelous or slanderous.  Clothing should not expose student undergarments, nor be provocative or revealing, contain sexual innuendos, or advocate unlawful behavior or illegal substances.
  6. Students will lock up helmets, skateboards, and bicycles in the areas designated with bicycle and skateboard racks. Skateboards and bicycles are not to be ridden, carried around, or locked anywhere else on school property. The consequence for a first offense is a warning.  Consequences for repeated offenses include the parent/guardian to pick up the bike or skateboard and referral to an assistant principal. 
  7. Students will only park on campus with a valid NHS permit. The consequence for a first offense is a warning. The consequences for a second offense is a car boot and two weeks of revoked parking permit or two detentions (for students without a parking permit) and referral to an assistant principal. The consequences for a third offense is a car boot, $50 fine, and a revoked permit. Consequences for further offenses include car towing and inability to obtain a future parking permit. 
  8. Students will only enter campus through authorized access points. Students may not access campus by climbing over/under fences. Students may not enter adjacent avocado groves or surrounding private property.



Northwood High School students will act in accordance with the California Education Code.  The behaviors listed below represent violations of the California Education Code. Consequences could include a one to five day suspension, parent conference with administration, and possible police intervention. 

  1. Students will not use or possess any form of tobacco and/or electronic cigarettes (including vapes).  Consequences for a first offense may include a smoking intervention class/assignment. Additional offenses may result in suspension. 
  2. Students will not consume, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol, drugs or placebos. 
  3. Students will not intimidate, harass, or sexually harass others.
  4. Students will follow IUSD guidelines as they relate to cyber bullying, sexual harassment and hate violence.
  5. Students will not fight or put their hands on each other in an unwelcome, aggressive manner. Causing serious injury results in recommendation for expulsion. 
  6. Students will not incite or encourage fights.
  7. Students will respect school property and private property, and refrain from theft of any kind including theft of food from Food Services and theft of other students’ possessions from the locker rooms. Robbery or extortion may result in expulsion proceedings. 

The following violations are in accordance with Irvine Unified School District Policies and will result in immediate SUSPENSION and a possible recommendation for EXPULSION from the Irvine Unified School District. 

The Principal, Superintendent of Schools shall immediately suspend and shall recommend expulsion of a pupil that they determine has committed any of the following acts at school, on the way to or from school, or at, on the way to or from any school activity on or off school grounds:

  1. Possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing a firearm (including a replica).
  2. Brandishing a knife at another person.
  3. Unlawfully selling a controlled substance.
  4. Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault or sexual battery.
  5. Possession of an explosive.
  6. Causing serious physical injury to others.
  7. Committing robbery, extortion, or assault.



The Board of Education strives to provide a safe, positive learning climate for students in the schools. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the Irvine Unified School District to maintain an educational environment in which bullying and cyberbullying in any form are not tolerated. 

  1. All forms of bullying and cyberbullying by school district students are hereby prohibited. Anyone who engages in bullying and cyberbullying in violation of this policy shall be subject to appropriate discipline.
  2. Students who have been bullied or cyberbullied shall promptly report such incidents to any staff member.
  3. Complaints of bullying and cyber bullying shall be investigated promptly, and corrective action shall be taken when a complaint is verified. Neither reprisals nor retaliation shall occur as a result of the submission of a complaint.

The District shall annually inform students that bullying and cyber bullying of students will not be tolerated.

Bullying shall mean unwelcome, pervasive and/or severe, verbal, written or physical conduct directed at a student or staff member by a student that has the effect of any or all of the following:

  1. Physically, emotionally or mentally harming a student or staff member.
  2. Damaging, extorting or taking a student's or a staff member's personal property. 
  3. Placing a student or staff member in reasonable fear of physical, emotional or mental harm. 
  4. Placing a student or staff member in reasonable fear of damage to or loss of personal property. 
  5. Creating an intimidating and/or hostile environment that substantially interferes with a student's educational opportunities or the ability of a staff member to perform his or her duties. 

Cyber bullying includes, but is not limited to, the following misuses of technology: harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another student or staff member by way of any technological tool, such as sending or posting an inappropriate or derogatory email message, telephone message, instant message, text message, digital picture or image, or website posting (including an individual or collective blog) which has the effect of the following:

  1. Physically, emotionally, or mentally harming a student or staff member. 
  2. Placing a student or staff member in reasonable fear of physical, emotional, or mental harm. 
  3. Placing a student or staff member in reasonable fear of damage to or loss of personal property. 
  4. Creating an intimidating or hostile environment that substantially interferes with a student's educational opportunities or a staff member's ability to perform his or her duties. 

All forms of bullying are unacceptable and, to the extent that such actions are disruptive of the educational process of the District, offenders shall be subject to appropriate staff intervention, which will result in administrative disciplinary measures and notification of appropriate authorities. The term "bullying" and "cyber bullying" shall not be interpreted to infringe upon a student's right to engage in legally protected speech or conduct.

A violation of this policy shall subject the offending student to appropriate disciplinary action, consistent with the student discipline code, which may include suspension, a recommendation for expulsion and/or notification to the appropriate authorities.



The Board of Education is committed to maintaining a learning environment free from harassment, intimidation or insult, student-to-student or adult-to-student, on the basis of an individual’s sex. Positive action will be taken when necessary to eliminate such practices or remedy their effects. Sexual harassment as defined and otherwise prohibited by state and federal statutes, constitutes an unlawful form of sex discrimination in violation of Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In addition, sexual harassment constitutes violation of the California Education Code, regulations of the State Board of Education, and District Policy. As such, sexual harassment may constitute just cause for discipline pursuant to applicable Education Code Sections.  


Implicit in the legal definition of sexual harassment is the assumption that sexual harassment prevents the realization of the victim’s full potential as a student.  A person sexually harassing a student is thus robbing the victim of the freedom to learn.  Sexual harassment, then, is considered unethical and unsatisfactory as well as illegal behavior.

Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. It includes, but is not limited to, circumstances in which:

  1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a part of the academic environment. 
  2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a student is used as the basis for grading, evaluation or supervision decisions affecting a student. 
  3. Conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonable interference with a student’s academic performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning environment.

Forms of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:

  • Verbal harassment: derogatory comments, jokes or slurs; comments repeatedly emphasizing the sexuality or sexual identity of an individual.
  • Physical harassment: unnecessary or offensive touching or impeding or blocking movement.
  • Visual harassment: derogatory or offensive posters, cards, cartoons, graffiti, drawings or gestures. 
  • Sexual favors: unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical contact or conduct of a sexual nature.

Realized sexual encounters constitute sexual harassment when they are accompanied by one or more of the following terms or conditions: 

  1. Explicit or implicit promises of rewards for cooperation via misuse of institutional authority.
  2. Explicit or implicit threats of punishment for non-cooperation via misuse of institutional authority.
  3. Intimidation which creates a hostile or offensive academic environment; interferes with a student’s scholastic performance; prevents a student’s full enjoyment of education opportunities; or induces conformance, stress, anxiety, fear, or sickness on the part of the harassed student.



All students and employees of the district have the right to work, to attend school and to participate in the educational process in a safe environment that is free from hate-motivated behavior.  Every effort shall be made to promote mutual respect among staff and students, and between and among students to encourage safe and harmonious relations that support human dignity and equality.

Behavior or statements that degrade, intimidate, and/or harm an individual on the basis of their race, ethnicity, culture, heritage, gender, sexual orientation, physical/mental attributes, religious beliefs or practices shall not be tolerated.  Bullying, repeatedly picking fights with or repeatedly taunting another person, shall not be tolerated. 

Each reported incident of harassment or hate-violence shall be addressed.  Students demonstrating hate-motivated or bullying behavior shall be subject to discipline in accordance with student discipline policies.  The response to hate-motivated or bullying behavior shall assure protection for the victim as well as appropriate disciplinary action for the perpetrator.

Any student or employee who feels they are a victim of hate-motivated behavior and/or bullying shall immediately contact the appropriate teacher or supervisor.  If the complainant believes that the situation has not been remedied, they may file a complaint in accordance with district complaint procedures.

For information about the Resolution Process please see the IUSD website www.iusd.org.

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