The Elective Expo will take place on March 18 & 20 during Tutorial (10:15 - 10:50 AM). The Expo will give you the opportunity to explore and ask questions about different classes before choosing what you want to take next year. You may find classes that we offer that you did not even know we had! Check out the maps below to see which courses are represented each day! We hope to see you there!

Day 1 Map: English, Math, Science & Social Science

Day 2: Arts, CTE, Dual Enrollment, PE, ROP, Work Experience, World Languages, AP Chemistry & AP Physics

Please click on the subject area image below to lead you to the elective offerings with flyers and more detailed information.
other course options:
- Irvine Valley College Dual Enrollment Courses (fall)
- Library Tech Staff
- Regional Occupational Program (ROP)
- Administration of Justice
- Automotive Technology
- Baking and Pastry Fundamentals
- Building Industry Technology Academy
- Dental Assistant (Front/Back office)
- Emergency Medical Responders
- Fire Science
- Medical Careers and Health Systems
- and more!
- Work Experience