
How to stay in touch with NHS?
The Weekly Bulletin: Advisors review the weekly news, activities and future event through Advisement.  You should also receive the Weekly Bulletin in your email or you can find it on our website.

Canvas: The majority of NHS teachers place their course syllabus and class assignments on Canvas.  This allows students to access class assignments, notes and other information from home. It is a great way to check if your student has homework and when the next test/quiz will be administered!

Parent Portal:  Use of the Northwood High School Parent Portal enables parents to access individual student information including progress reports, report cards, some online grade books, transcripts, and daily period attendance. Every Northwood parent currently has a portal account, which allows them to access these features from their home. All students re-enroll each year through their Parent Portal accounts as part of the registration process.

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NHS Boosters

Northwood High School Athletics Boosters
person writing

Enrollment & Registration

Enrollment for new students Ne

Health Office

Welcome to the Northwood High School Health Office.
car window

Parking Lot Procedures

We’d like to take the opportunity to review our Parking Lot Morning Drop Off and Afternoon Pick-U
students gathered around table

School Site Council

The School Site Council (SSC) is an elected group of teachers, parents, students, and clas

English Language Development & Support

iPad and books

Technology Use

IUSD offers several student and parent resources to help navigate commonly used technology tools.