Work Permits

During the school year, the College & Career Specialist issues work permits to NHS students. During the summer, students should contact the NHS front office directly. When the NHS front office is closed, students can go to the IUSD District Office for a work permit.

Work Permit FAQs

  • What is a work permit? A work permit is a legal document required by the state that allows a person between the ages of 14-18 to hold a job. The purpose of a work permit is to protect the student from illegal working conditions and to keep the student in school.
  • How can I qualify for a work permit?
    • Students must already have a job or job offer
    • GPA of 2.0 or higher
  • What are the steps?
    1. Go and see the College & Career Specialist (located in the College & Career Center, room 1035). The student will be given a form that will need to be signed by the student, parent, and employer.
    2. Return the form to the College & Career Specialist
    3. An assistant principal will review eligibility and approve the form.
    4. The work permit will be issued!
  • Do I need a work permit for babysitting, yard work, or paper routes? No, you do not need a work permit for these jobs.
  • Will my work permit need to be renewed?
    • All work permits expire shortly after school starts in August and will need to be renewed each school year
    • Anytime a student has a new job, a new work permit must be issued
  • How many hours can a student work?
    • Age 16-17: 4 hours on school days / 8 hours on non-school days or days preceding a non-school day
    • Age 14-15: 3 hours per day when school is in session, not to exceed 18 hours per week. When school is not in session, the maximum is 8 hours per day, not to exceed 40 hours per week.