Video Library

The NHS Counseling Department has curated the following videos  and resources for you and your family to watch and view together! 

Parent Pep Talk: Taking Care of You (5:43 min)

Parent Pep Talk : Stay in your Sphere (6:33 min)

Understanding Strong Emotions (7:40 min)

Gaming Addiction (7:33 min)

How to talk to your teen (7:24 min)

Navigating Your Childs School Avoidance (8:42 min)

Continued Support For Your Child Through Distance Learning (10:18 min)

Executive Functioning Support for your Child (8:29 min)

Mental Health and Physical Health Staff Panel Q&A : Club Med (26 mins)

Teen Motivation (6:55 min) 

Setting Boundaries and Joint Problem Solving (28:45 min)

What I Wish My Parents Knew (English, Farsi, Mandarin) 60 mins.

Social Media Ledger of Harm