Speak Up, We Care!

IUSD Cares
Speak Up, We Care!

Dear NHS Families,


In an effort to better promote, communicate and link students and families with the Irvine Unified School District’s mental health and wellness services and resources, representatives from the Mental Health and Wellness Team (School Counselors, Elementary Resource Counseling Specialists, Wellness Coordinators) developed the Speak Up, We Care campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to increase awareness of, access to, and use of resources that build positive mental health and wellness, which is an essential component to lifelong success.


A website has been created that supports the Speak Up, We Care campaign. Please click on this link for additional resources: www.iusd.org/WeCare  On this website, you will find a 2-minute video encouraging IUSD students to Speak Up for themselves and others. You may want to watch the video with your child and have a conversation about the message. 

  • Start with an open-ended question such as:  What do you think about the message in this video? 
  • If your child says that s/he cannot think of an adult s/he would go to, point out to your child that the video appears to be sending the message that the adults at the school care and want to connect.  Give your child an opportunity to generate some solutions.


Each quarter, a new theme will be introduced. This quarter’s (September, October and November) Speak Up, We Care theme is Link Up. In encouraging students to Link Up, we want them to build connections, which are essential for lifelong happiness and success, become a part of their community, and have a sense of belonging.


What can you do to help your child Link Up?

  • Encourage your child to participate in a school activity that interests him/her such as music, sports, or clubs.
  • Consider joining community activities that interests your child such as the arts, sports, and volunteering.
  • Talk with your child about adult resources on campus such as Elementary Resource Counseling Specialist, Guidance Assistant, School Nurse, School Counselor, Wellness Coordinator, School Psychologist, Project Success, Coach, and School Resource Officer.


Thank you,

Dr. Leslie Roach, Principal