Fall Kick-Off Days

Tuesday, August 15 - Friday, August 18
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Student must be in attendance. Times are assigned alphabetically by last name. 

Please read all directions carefully!

Tuesday, August 15


Wednesday August 16


Thursday, August 17


Friday, August 18

Freshmen and New Students


9:00 – 9:30am     Fall Sports/Band                     

9:30 – 9:50am         A-C

9:50 – 10:10am       D-F       

10:10 – 10:30am     G-L  

10:30 – 10:50am     M-P

10:50 – 11:10am     Q-S

11:10 – 11:30am     T-V

11:30 – 11:50am     W-Z



No students after 11:50am!


8:30 – 8:50am     Fall Sports/Band              

8:50 – 9:05am          A-C  

9:05 – 9:20am          D-F    

9:20 – 9:35am          G-J     

9:35 – 9:50am          K-M     

9:50 – 10:10am        N-P     

10:10 – 10:30am      Q-S      

10:30 – 10:50am      T-V     

10:50 – 11:10am      W-Z


No students after 11:10am!


8:30 – 8:50am     Fall Sports/Band              

8:50 – 9:05am          A-C  

9:05 – 9:20am          D-F    

9:20 – 9:35am          G-J     

9:35 – 9:50am          K-M     

9:50 – 10:10am        N-P     

10:10 – 10:30am      Q-S      

10:30 – 10:50am      T-V     

10:50 – 11:10am      W-Z


No students after 11:10am!


8:30 – 8:50am     Fall Sports/Band               

8:50 – 9:05am          A-C  

9:05 – 9:20am          D-F    

9:20 – 9:35am          G-J     

9:35 – 9:50am          K-M     

9:50 – 10:10am        N-P     

10:10 – 10:30am      Q-S      

10:30 – 10:50am      T-V     

10:50 – 11:10am      W-Z

No students after 11:10am!

Families will not be permitted through the entire process.

  • Students will only be allowed on the day assigned for their grade level. 
  • Students who miss their day may attend the one-day make-up on Tuesday August 22nd from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm.  No schedule changes will be made on this day.
  • Please fill out the google form at https://bit.ly/NHSKickOff2023 to notify the school if you will be attending the make-up day.


  1. All students must report to the theater at the time and day assigned in order to complete the Kick-Off Day process. In order to begin, students must turn in their Ticket to Registration. This must include a student and parent signature verifying they have completed the online process and have read all important information (by August 4th).
  2. Students will receive their textbooks on this day and should bring a backpack.
  3. Students will take their School ID picture so please dress accordingly. Students who wish to purchase school pictures should make the check payable to South Coast Photographic. School pictures will be mailed home in September.  Seniors will be contacted by South Coast Photographic over the summer to take Senior portraits. 
  4. PTSA and Athletics, Instrumental and Choral Boosters representatives will be available. Spirit Wear, Booster Club and PTSA memberships/donations will be accepted at this time.
  5. Checks and cash only will be accepted during Kick-Off Days.  Credit Cards may be used online at the NHS Webstore before or after Kick-Off Days for any optional items.  Checks for donations to the school will be accepted. Please note, for online transactions a convenience fee will apply.
  6. If you qualify for Free or Reduced Meals please go to http://bit.ly/NHSFreeReducedLunch to apply and notify NHS.  Items are offered at a discounted rate for those who qualify.
  7. Parent attendance is optional on Kick-Off Days. There will be designated areas during the registration process where parents will be asked to wait for their students at a separate location. 

Thursday, August 17th

NEW TO NORTHWOOD PARENTS are invited to attend a Parent Night from 6:15 - 7:15pm.

FRESHMEN are invited to attend a Link Crew Orientation from 4:30-7:30pm in the gym.